SRatan Financial Distributors Private Limited wide range of financial solutions.
For a investor, Mutual Funds can be a great resource in meeting their investing goals . We at SRatan Financial Distributors Private Limited can recommend you with the right Mutual Fund depending on your wealth goals, risk appetite and time horizons.
Debt mutual funds strive to minimize risk by picking the least risky types of investment instruments. Debt mutual funds invest the majority of their corpus in fixed-income or fixed-interest generating opportunities and instruments future. Equity mutual funds are the riskiest class of mutual funds, and hence, they have the potential to provide higher returns than debt
Fund that primarily invests in stock.
Scheme that invests in fixed income instruments.
Mutual funds offer one of the most comprehensive, easy and flexible ways to create a diversified portfolio of investments. There are different types of mutual funds that offer different options to suit investors diverse risk appetites.
One of the safest funds that provide a reasonable rate of return.
Invests in different asset classes for a diversified portfolio.
Debt fund that invest in government securities.